Recently I added several Civil War battle dates to an Excel sheet wishing to sort them in date order. Nope! After troubleshooting this, I discovered something interesting. Excel actually converts dates to serial numbers starting 1/1/1900. These numbers are then displayed as dates (in various formats) to the user. The result is no valid date can exist in Excel before 1/1/1900. That's not good for the genealogist or course. So what to do?
Well, you could use 1900 dates. Instead of 12/16/1863 one could use 12/16/1963 for the purposes of sorting. Being 100 years off just seems weird to this genealogist.
Not wishing to have my Civil War dates in the 1900s, I dug deeper and found this fix. Inasmuch as Excel refuses to recognize DATES before 1/1/1900, let's use simple NUMBERS. For this workaround the date, 12/16/1863 is represented as 18631216. Now Excel is forced to take your date; more precisely it doesn't know it is a date.
Here is how is use this method: For every application where a date is involved I use the YYYY.MM.DD format. For example, 1941.12.7, or 1961.7.9, or in the case of a Civil War date, 1863.12.16. This is my standard, but using 12/7/1941, 7/9/1961, or 12/16/1863 works fine too. Any date format that you like can be applied.
First I create an Excel document and enter data. Record #, date, event, etc. Now, because Excel is not DATE friendly, we need a NUMBER column also. I label this column as "Sort" and place it to the far right of the Excel page. For me, the number 18631216 doesn't quickly translate into the date 1863.12.16, or 12/16/1863, or even 16 December 1863 (for you Purist). But for Excel, in this application (pre 1/1/1900), it is required.
In practical application, I start out with my standard YYYY.MM.DD column and do a Cut/Paste to a far right column when all my work is entered. I then painfully remove all the "." and add "0" before any month or day less than 10. The result is a column of eight numbers per cell. Now I label this column as "Sort" and try not to look at it. It's ugly in my humble opinion. Now I sort using the "Sort" column and if asked, Expand to the entire worksheet. Now my "Dates" are sorted in date order - not under their own power (unfortunately) - and the product works for me.
I've read that OpenOffice's version of the Excel tool does not have this limitation but I have not tested it yet.
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